
Google drive for desktop 47
Google drive for desktop 47

google drive for desktop 47

Strangely, they didn't tell me how much extra it was costing me to have me manufactured in the US, then shipped to China, and then shipped back to me here in the US. I just repeated the search of four months ago. In fact, near as I can tell none of it could actually be traced to me at all. Page three, four and five were more of the same, at which point I gave up.Ĭuriously, none of them were professionally published papers which I wrote or participated in over the years, all of which are available online. The other dozen hits were offering re-packaged publically available info to anyone interested in tracking me down, for a price. One bragged about being the only outfit selling GENUINE US MADE jakes! WOW! I must get me one!

google drive for desktop 47

Eight of the top twenty hits were companies offering to sell me to myself, all at the lowest prices possible. I did a google search on my real name about four months ago. He says that before this, he could at least click 'switch account' or something.Īnyway after a couple of hours of faffing about and comparing Workspace admin settings between the two organisations, and getting nowhere, I found a comment on Reddit from some randomer stating that the multiple accounts feature, on Mac OS, only works on ARM (M1 CPU), not Intel Macs. just got lumbered with helping him), why the option to sign in to another account wasn't there. Try as I might, I could not figure out, after two hours today, why this guy I had to help, who has Macbook (that I don't support / work with, and I didn't set him up or his Google Apps/Workspace either. There's an asterisk against that feature saying you can only do that if Backup and Sync is turned on for the account (which one? Both, all four, etc?). Well, supposedly one of the new features of version 49 - from yesterday, is that you can be signed in to up to 4 accounts at the same time.

Google drive for desktop 47